A downloadable game for Windows

This is an early build of my WIP platformer game 2-in-1. Just about everything except the movement is temporary, and even that will likely be changed in the final build.

The main gimmick of this game is that when you are in the air, your left and right movement controls switch to left and right angular velocity controllers.  The game's movement is also completely momentum based. Below this are some other things that can be found in the demo.

  • Left and right movement with A and D.
  • Jumping with W, holding W will cause the player to jump higher.
  • Left clicking while in the air will perform a boost, however you can only do it once in the air.
  • Bouncy physics.
  • Enemies that, when hit in the air, replenish your boost.
  • A spike floor to reset yourself on.
  • Pressing Escape will close the game.
  • A panning camera the changed based on speed, and might be broken if I didn't remember to fix it... oops.



2 in 1 Alpha Movement Demo.rar 15 MB

Install instructions

-Download the .rar file, and unzip it to a folder to hold its contents.

-Once unzipped into the folder, open the folder and run the file "Movement Demo.exe"

-A prompt for config may pop up on your first run, but just pressing "Play" will bring you to the game.

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